#1, #2, #3, & #4??! - Nico & Nicole Banana, Spellcaster Twins


After hitting up the Blue Velvet in Willow Creek, Yellow decided to start off strong by doing it with a randomly generated townie who possessed the cursed eyeball ring.

Yellow's pregnancy was pretty easy. The only caveat I found was that her Glutton trait made her super-hungry, super-fast. On the bright side, the Glutton trait also allowed her to eat the 50 year old Egg & Toast platter in her third trimester with no side effects.

It was finally time. Yellow took her last steps of non-motherhood right to the hospital. She looked great.

She brought back twins in some swanky ass bassinets. If I had known they were going to be two different colors, I would have named them Chocolate and Vanilla. Alas, I missed my moment.

Not even five minutes after a grueling labor, I immediately called up Caleb Vatore, who Yellow had met at a museum outing she was attending with another love interest. Caleb is a cool guy so while Yellow filled her needs, he rock a byed my Nico.

Yellow appreciated that, so she let him get her pregnant in the shower.

Caleb Vatore and Yellow Banana do the nasty in the clean

Nico & Nicole were shitty babies. They cried mercilessly. Babies kinda suck.

hand thru titty

Luckily, the baby lifestate isn't that long and I got to age them up a couple of days later.

They both had crazy demon eyes, so I went into CAS to change that. Apparently, they are occult sims. Sweet!

After a little research, I found out that the father, Simeon Silversweater is actually a premade spellcaster—a terribly dressed one.

Anyway, see you for baby #5


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